Monday, February 17, 2014

Machine- Resource

simple machine is a non-motorized device that changes the direction or magnitude of a force.  A simple machine can be defined as one of the simplest mechanisms that provide mechanical advantage or leverage. A pulley is an example of a simple machine. A pulley is a wheel (usually with a grooved rim) which is used to transfer force. Pulleys connected in pairs by a looped belt can be used in a similar fashion to gears. Using a single pulley changes the direction of the force. Using multiple pulleys makes it easier to move the load. This happens because more rope must be pulled in order to move the load the same distance. The more pulleys used, the easier it is to move, but the more rope that must be pulled to move the load the same distance. The video provided above is an example of the use of pulleys which are simple machines. 

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