Sunday, January 12, 2014

So we should all know Paul Hewitt by now. The creator of that amazing textbook, who has helped us all at some point understand a physics concept. This video like all others showcases the major information needed to understand angular momentum. This video takes my understanding a little farther because of Hewitt's drawings and his explanations. 


  1. I liked the video you chose, it was clear and well executed by Hewitt. We didn't really have similarities between our posts, because I did mine about an application of physics whereas you did an explanation. But maybe you could've summed up the video afterwards, because I was a little confused about some new terms and topics we haven't covered yet. Nice job though :)

  2. Oh em gee! I was gonna do this one to but it kinda confused me haha. I do agree with you that the drawings help understand a little bit better. I do think your description should cover exactly what you made have learned. Our videos are similar in a way that examples = AWESOME! My video contained many demonstrations just like Hewitt on the spiny thingy! The first part was kind of confusing but it got better!
    Gouda job!!!
