Saturday, January 18, 2014

Torque- Ch. 8 Resource

How do train wheels work?
Train wheels are shaped the way they are in order to keep them on the track. There irregular shape are examples of having the same rotational speed and different tangential speeds. The thicker part of the wheel is further away from the axis, therefore when the train changes directions the wheels auto correct themselves and realign on the tracks. 

How does a wrench relate to physics? Torques? 
Torque is created when the line of action of a force does not pass through the center of rotation. The lever arm is the perpendicular distance between the line of action of the force and the center of rotation. The torque (τ) created by a force is equal to the lever arm (r) times the magnitude of the force (F).


  1. I like the pictures. What I'm wondering is, how does the train wheel relate to torque in this case? Because I got confused. But the wrench and summary of the topic is wonderful!

  2. I think you pictures and summary's will be great for us to look back on for tests and quizzes with the explanations. I do think that the train wheels relate to torque, I just don't think you stated exactly why. Great explanations though. I think it's starting to click. Maybe because we're the power table and we ask a butt load of questions!
    You're fabulous!
